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Fab Weekend in Aberystwyth…

Fab Weekend in Aberystwyth…

I had a great weekend at the Marine Hotel.. a windy and blustery drive up country to Aberystwyth where the breeze!!!!! on the prom was slightly energetic…. after unloading with thanks to Lisa and Kerry the organizers for their help I met up with the volunteer models Kim,Lisa,Lauren and Lucy for fittings.. poor Jaz had a very fast fitting before the show…… Saturday shows are difficult as releasing stock from a jam packed appointment book is not an option BUT we made do and all looked lovely..
Thanks to a past bride and regular model Nia Marshalsay Thomas and her husband Ian I was fed an cocktailed in the lovely Baravin…An early start before a busy fayre and a 1pm Huw Rees fashion show… what a great day with a very positive response from the visiting brides… here are some snaps of my lovely models..