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Junior Competition- Winners Announced!!

The winners of the wedding dress design competition has been announced, we've received a lot of entries from very talented illustrators and we've enjoyed seeing all of your fabulous designs, so thank you all for taking part. Since we've had a lot of entries, we...

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Junior Competition- Few Days Left!!

The Deadline for the wedding dress design competition is this Friday 1st of May. The winners for the under 10s and the over 10s will be announced very soon. Check out the previous competition blog posts to see more entries if you haven't already. Until...

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Junior Competition- One Week Left!

Time flies so fast! We've had lots of amazing entries in the past few weeks. Thank you for those that have been busy drawing fabulous dresses for our junior competition. If you still fancy taking part, there's only one week left to enter until we...

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More Junior Competition Entries

We've had over 50 amazing entries for our junior wedding dress design competition. Thank you all for taking part so far! The entry deadline is getting close which is on the 1st of May, so there's still time for you to enter if you haven't...

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Junior Competition entries

Here's some more entries we've received for the wedding dress illustration competition for under 16s, thank you all for taking part so far. Fancy taking part? There's still time for you to enter, just send in your drawing to before May the 1st. Until then,...

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More entries in

We've had more fabulous pictures coming in to share with you. Thank you for everyone that entered the competition. There's still time for you to draw and submit your wonderful creations to us, just send a picture over to before the 1st of May. Until...

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Competition Entries So Far

We've had lots of brilliant illustrations sent over to us. Here are some of the entries so far, thank you all that have taken part so far. There is still time to send in your picture, just send your creation to Entries close on the...

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